Six Months of #CountryLife

6 months ago today Kathy and I woke up, ran through the morning routine, met our moving team and gave them a tour of the project ahead, and drove from Imperial to the Janet McAfee office in Ladue to meet up with Kathleen L.,  Laura D., Paulie T., and some new introductions.  First, we sold our home in Imperial. Next, literally minutes later, bought our home in Fletcher.  Then, we took a deep breath and had a few short celebratory moments with our team before heading straight back to Imperial to meet up with the movers.  Within an hour the caravan of two 25-foot box trucks, my truck plus trailer (with a Model-A) plus Cora and Angus, Mark G.’s truck plus trailer (with a Model-A), Alyssa’s car packed full plus Mom Hodde plus Coda in Jason W.’s cat-carrier, and Kathy’s car packed full, was in transit from Imperial to Fletcher.

This is far from the whole story, and there are many missing details, all of which will be coming in future posts.

After all was said and done, we did what many said could not be done, and we put our heads in our pillows in Fletcher for the first time six months ago tonight, and only 3 months after making the decision to sell/buy/move in April.  The next morning we watched the sun rise from our new front porch and said, for the first of many times (and many more to come), “Good morning, Fletcher!”

Got a dream? Chase that mother.

Much love to everyone that helped get us here.

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